Finally I respond! I think this thread will be a bit less interesting, because Alara already does a lot of what we want to accomplish.
I'd also like to put out a general call to anyone who wants to reach out to YMtC for this. I don't think I have the energy to do it.
The question is if we should use Vengeant or a different card in conflux.
Is there a good reason
not to use Vengeant?
Second, at this point, Tezzeret has been missing from Esper for a decade and is currently a vegetable following AoA. He is inexcusable as a featured walker and this had been one of the biggest points of confusion for ages. Instead, I propose using Venser for Esper. This adds in a history with Bolas and the past.
I have no problem with this, but this makes Agents of Artifice the first time we see Tezzeret, which I like a bit less. I can understand why you'd opt to cut him in Alara, rather than tying him to the story.
However, I'm not sure if Elspeth should have a card this early. If we hold off, it makes her reappearance more momentous since she'd have an actual card. It would drive home the idea of a walker that doesn't walk.
If you want to introduce a character (especially a planeswalker) they need a card.
Sarkhan in shards, though I'd prefer to see dragonspeaker rather than Vol. I'd save Vol for his return to Tarkir and let the blue Sarkhan rot in hell.
I'd save Bolas for the finale of Alara Reborn, partly to have a real chase card in a poorly received set.
I think this works. (And if we were also tackling the design, I'd probably not do the gold only set.)
Lastly, the possibility of Liliana getting a card in shards to get her introduced for later.
Good idea. A shame we can't put one of her Demons on the plane, so her presence makes even more sense. Even without that, I think she's a good fit and we do need her to advance the story.
I think if you want to establish a timeline well, I'm not sure Venser is the best choice. Isn't he one of those that uses magic to manipulate his age?
Making Elspeth an old walker and showing how much she has aged would be a better way IMO
Venser doesn't need to be young. In fact, I'd appreciate more diversity earlier on in the story. I also think Elspeth works better as a young character and really doesn't need to be an Oldwalker for any reason.
As for Naya not using Ajani, Garruk is a green PW, Ajani is a Red/White one. And having Garruk/Elspeth in Shards, Ajani/Sarkhan in Conflux, Bolas in Reborn would be interesting. Of course, this creates the design issue of "No blue and black planeswalkers" which is why I think Tezz was in Alara block, but there's not a lot you can do to solve that without large changes to the story. You need to introduce Sarkhan here (unless you are just removing him from the story entirely, which I disagree with) and unless you are ramping core sets a huge amount, the only other chance to intoduce Garruk is in Alara block. If you do that, I guess you insert Garruk's first appearance in M10, and have Venser (for whatever reason you guys are liking him in Alara block) into Shards.
The lack of Blue or Black planeswalkers bothers me a bit, but I don't think we should focus
too much on color balance, especially since that sort of thing matters more on the rotation aspect rather than the block constructed aspect.
Venser works on Alara because (a) he's an artificer, (b)he needs to meet Elspeth anyway, and (c) he can be the bridge between pre-Mending and post-Mending that he's supposed to be anyway.
Introducing Garruk is important, but a core set might work for that. One of the lessons we learned from the post-Mending era is that having a story in your core set works perfectly fine. It doesn't need to be huge and it's probably best if important events don't happen in the core set, but just having a character show up could work, especially if you have him featured in flavor text and such.
For the record, the product line is missing elves vs goblins and the duels of the planeswalkers specialty release.
Mostly on purpose. Elves vs Goblins is perfectly fine and doesn't need changing and the DotP stuff isn't story relevant as far as I can tell.