The CoP to colors raises some interesting questions about the nature of the color wheel and how mages of the multiverse utilize it. For those of you who have read my story The Planes of the Dual-Walkers, you may remember a fair amount of discussion about the nature of green mana, which caused some interesting debate about how few people in the multiverse actually "know" about the colors. To me, the color-specific CoPs indicate that more people understand that than the official wizards statements indicate.
As I've pointed out before, Jodah knew about the colors and basically codified and wrote a thesis about it. Everyone in Lat-nam was divided according to their color.
With color knowledge, it's the difference between going to university or having a private tutor. The tutor won't give you the same breadth of knowledge the university could. In this case, it's because they don't know it either while the uni will have a lot of different colors studying under different teachers.
Incidentally, Jodah cast this exact spell in Gathering Dark. Amusingly as well, they dressed him in Red and taught him some fire spells to throw his opponent off their game.
Luminesce (though that's probably a horrible example since it was last printed in 10th ed.), when color-specific cards are even printed anymore, it's most often the casting color's two enemies, rather than one specific color.
I freaking LOATHE hatespell cycles. In my view, they are absolute garbage and nothing but limited fodder, and **** limited fodder at that. I wish they'd stop printing them altogether.
Speaking of things I hate, this STUPID NESTED URL QUOTE CRAP...