you would also like to discourage any dissent about male sexualization in a topic that wasn't originally a complaint about female sexualization.
I mean, let's be perfectly honest here, op made this thread to argue against those calling for the removal of a highly sexualized character in an anime series.
There is one thing I'd like people to understand. Yes, the constant boob shaking is highly sexualized, and the producers made that did it to provide fanservice and comedy relief. I'm going to share with a slightly different perspective though. In RL, I have personally known girls who are as upbeat as the girl in the anime. I'm sure you guys have friends like that too. She dances and twirls and no one really cares. Give her huge breasts though and suddenly she's inappropriate. That's why I started this thread. Yes, if you look at Ryuko from an out-of-universe perspective, much of what she does is sexualized garbage. I'm not arguing against removing
that. I'm arguing against society's adamant refusal to put huge breasts on any female character and portray them seriously and realistically. Here is a quote from the chat about the first episode:
Why is drawing a character with big boobs degrading? Isn't it those types of comments that makes it degrading? My Grandma, even as a young womanhad enormous boobs. Like past her belly button. When she got old, we joked of them being knee hangers. Which I'm sure wouldn't be too far off w/o bra support. She was quite thin in her youth, as well. Maybe 120 lbs total, including the weight from her enormous bosom. Dolly Parton atage 19, was already a size H, and, she was a natural size zero in waist. Media and false, gossipy, rumor made her boobs a big deal and talked of implants, when in reality it was the opposite. She's had numerous reductions over the years and lifts as she's gotten up in her age. Now, unless you have spent some time in the asias I'm sure your not
aware, but C and D cups aren't too common. They're either petite to none, or, enormous. Considering the average frame out there is a petite 5 feet or less, for a girl, someone thin with a DD bust is going to look like she's carrying balloons in her shirt. I found it quite refreshing to see a girl,that, with my heritage and background, feels normal. She isn't overly thin either. Neither was the other women they showed momentarily standing at the community listing board that also was overly developed. I thought they did a great job matching body size with overly developed breasts w/o being degrading. To be very honest, I didn't give much thought to her breasts until I saw all the top comments were about them. And what I took from it was, in an ecchi-style like DxD that does degrade women, ppl praise the large breast and pay it no mind. But in a normal anime you are not allowed to draw a normal character with large breasts because it is more degrading. I feel bad for the majority of the women in my family now. Who knew being born with abnormally large breasts and staying healthy was such a problem for them?! I'll have to apologize the next time I see them for humanities narrow minded view of them and reversed understanding of what prejudices actually are.
It continues on in another post:
SN: I sent a clip of her to my fam that watches anime. Instantly replied back was, OMG! It's N**i(a fam member)!! The breast + the personality that goes with them is my cuz. This is a lot more relate-able character then the ppl making the dramatic comments even realize. In my own experience women that are this overly developed are either very shy and withdrawn (overly self conscience and aware of their surroundings. More than any1 should have to be) because of constant ogling, by both sexes, and the comments that come from those ppl. Usually perverted by men, or, rude by other women. Or, they are absolutely unaware that their breast are causing a stir around them. This is because they have excepted themselves for who they are and are happy with who they are. They don't realize when they turned they smacked u in the head numerous times when u were a child. They don't realize it's a "problem" for the narrow minded around them when they rest them on counters and tables to alleviate back strain. Like someone would lean on a crutch for a bum leg. There are things like crutches for boobs, btw. Nor, do they realize they have to be self conscience to be accepted. She is a very relate-able character. Sorry, but the simple truth is-the animators aren't the ones being degrading here.
Course he/she didn't know the animators didn't do what they did for the reason she thought they did it for but whatever. My point is that I did not start this discussion to talk about sexualization though that is what It eventually led to. If I was to argue for anything in line with the discussion right now it would be arguing for a woman with huge breasts to be not ridiculed or made fun of as she goes to save world in whatever fashion mainstream media prefers. Do you understand my position now comrade?