In the Old Ravnica books, the ones with Kos, there is a whole tribe of Gruul that is made primarily of hybrids. In fact, you could say that for the entire guild. And the Gruul tend to do things the old-fashioned way.
So consider adding 'ogre' to that list of possible overlap (because I seem to recall that specifically) but this doesn't alter the fact that it doesn't specify what races viably can intermix nor the frequency.
A viashino human, to just pick two, isn't likely going to happen.
In the Planeswalker book, Xantcha talks about how races prefer to mate with their own, but hybrids do occasionally happen. And this is someone who has visited many worlds.
That's putting the cart before the horse. You're extrapolating two unconnected things and declaring them intertwined. Does it possibly happen? Sure, but our observable data suggests it is Rare beyond rare, and the number of viably crossable species is EXTREMELY limited. You can't make a blanket statement about hybrids because a half-elf exists.
Look at all the other hybrid creatures:
gaea's skyfolk and
razorfin hunter are creatures created by the overlay. (okay, razorfin, maybe less, but there was a theme going on there) Vorel,
Experiment One, and
Delver of Secrets are direct result of manipulation.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's clear that wizards has no intention for it to be something widespread, much less common. The fact that wotc doesn't just go Star Trek with mixing species is one of the things that's good about their IP. So, the assumption should probably always be "can't" rather than "can".
In the Odyssey books, yeah I know they suck, they are a few unnamed hybrids that the books mentioned in passing.
This is the Cabal we're talking about. I wouldn't rule out genetic tampering. Or that there was consent to ANYTHING.