They were strange, they were epic, and they were fun and felt unburdened by the Corporate angle that the more I think about it is quite possibly what's sucking the soul out of the latest creations from a team with people we know can be reasonable and are talented like Ethan.
Yep, that's what I'm saying. The story is so reined in these days and forced to be highly interconnected, accessible, marketable and representative of the company that there's probably very little you could blame the individual writers for. I absolutely adore Kelly Digges' writing for instance, and I felt SOI was a set where pretty much every writer got to shine. Even Kimberley's stories were suddenly good, and I guess it's understandable that she could do more with charcters like Halana, Alena and Arlinn rather than Nissa and Ashaya. Or maybe she just grew as a writer, I don't know. Ethan is another good example of someone who, though not in Creative, shows interest in the storyline (including the old lore), has actively used that to make people happy (the C14 stuff) and doesn't shy away from asking questions in this forum or even engage with and address criticism. The people they have are fine, even though it's often tempting to blame them for things that are ultimately beyond their control. Once that things like the retconned backstories or the general direction of the story are decided, even the most talented folks have to stick to that. Then again, I'd still like to know who exactly decided they should ignore the established backstories and the stuff that comes with it, but I'm fairly sure the answer is 'marketing'. Or maybe I'm wrong and Creative is directly to blame, or maybe it's a bit of everything. We'll probably never know.
Maro has the weirdest notion of what "no continuity" means...
Speaking for myself, the single biggest reason I've found
Magic's story, well, actively infuriating for most of the time I've been following it, it that there was
never any continuity of exactly the kind he is talking about: no through-line connecting any of the events or stories or characters or worlds together. It was always just running up one blind alley after another, where everything hung in limbo and nothing ever got resolved. I am quite happy that those awful days are behind us.
I see where you are coming from, and I don't entirely disagree, but I think there are two sides to this. On the one hand, a lot of the older lore from the (post-revisionist) novels dealing with Dominaria as a whole and Terisiare in particular
was very connected. It's not exactly the kind of continuity that Maro is talking about, more like the "see the world evolve and history unfold" kind of continuity (so, a more 'vertical' interconnectedness if you will). The line of The Thran, The Artifact Cycle/Urza's Saga, The Ice Age trilogy, the Weatherlight and Invasion stuff (which is even kinda connected to Mirage and Visions) are one big historical account with one thing leading into the next, and a lot of those threads would be picked up again in Time Spiral. On the other hand, the things you criticise would apply to some extent to the planeshopping era that started with Mirrodin when things got a lot more episodic and unconnected. And I agree that after a while, I too found myself wishing for more interconnected storytelling, a faster pace, a wrap-up of dangling threads and more connections between blocks (a 'horizontal' interconnectedness that doesn't rely on huge timeskips but instead ties characters and settings together). But the problem with Wizards is that they always seem to go from one extreme to the other. Oversaturation of the Weatherlight saga? Let's move to more unconnected stories and planes! But hang on, now the storyline feels too random and unconnected, maybe we should have the same cast of central characters in every block! I mean, they could have had a clear interconnectedness and more storyline focus in general without warping everything around the same four to five characters forever.
But yeah, as I've been saying on the previous page and in fact since
Magic Origins, what really finally killed the storyline for me is the complete disregard for continuity. For me at least, it all started going down the drain with Tarkir block and its timetravel, though I guess they just messep up the continuity by accident and out of carelessness and it's just coincidence that it came directly before
Magic Origins. But since
Origins, them punching holes into everything has been deliberate and part of their new direction, even before the Gatewatch officially existed. My absolute number one reason for hating the Gatewatch is and will always be the fact that those aren't the characters we were introduced to anymore. Their personal history, their relationship with each other, their skillset and their characterisation have been altered and continue to be altered by retcons to varying degrees, destroying all the investment I had in them. Those retcons are inseparable from the worldbuilding and status quo of Kaladesh and Vryn, have seeped into Lorwyn and Ravnica and might seep into planes like Theros or Regatha (e.g. if it turns out the Purifying Fire never existed, or if they decide Chandra's involvement with it just didn't happen). The
Origins retcons were as messy as it gets and they continue to confuse me about what's actually still canon (super accurate details from AoA still being referenced while the climax of TPF is entirely ignored). Now the entire continuity of everything from the first Zendikar block onwards has causally collaped (for the second time if you consider Tarkir), and I think if that's not a logical and objective criterium for the death of the storyline as a whole, I don't know what else would be. And again, none of this was justified. Those characters could have served every purpose they are supposed to serve now if they had followed it through from AoA and TPF onwards. Supposedly problematic things like Nissa's xenophobia or Chandra's family were already in the past, and no-one forced them to retell their origin stories and put a spotlight on it.
Without that, I'd be more than willing to make my best effort to like the Gatewatch and try to put off oversaturation for as long as possible. At least they would be characters I'd still like individually, and I could make them even cooler in my head than they actually are on paper (I did that with Sorin for years). If they want me to ever care again and be hyped for the product they sell, they'd have to kill off the original four members of the Gatewatch and find damn good ways to gloss over the continuity mess they've made in their wake. Do another 100-year timeskip and/or never visit Kaladesh and Vryn ever again (or even better, make them fall to Phyrexia and alter the status quo beyond recognition) or something like that. Just something that's compatible with both pre- and post-
Origins continuity going forward.
Edit: Oh, yeah, and I agree with what Yxoque and others have said about their market data. Even if most people who click the stories actually read them completely, reading them isn't the same as liking them or approving of the general direction. Maro is a corporate official and would never say something like "Yeah well, the reception of the Gatewatch stories is kinda lukewarm, but now it's all planned out and we have to stick to it for a while. Sorry guys."