Thank you squirrel. I read your entry on Colors; King's Bo Levar story was my favorite of the collection. Speaking of King, how would you say his work on the Onslaught novels compare, from a technical standpoint, to his prior Magic novels and short stories?
I like King's earlier work much more than his later stuff. I liked him a lot on Born to Greatness, Expeditions to the End of the World and The Thran. Time Streams and Invasion were okay, and Onslaught block just devolved into unfocused weirdness.
But the problems of those later books can already be found in his earlier work, they just become much more pronounced. The depiction of the Thran in The Thran doesn't fit 100% with what we saw in The Brothers' War, but the changes are minor and can be handwaved away by saying "Something must have happened in the 5000 years between those books". Then in Scourge he starts doing such weird things to continuity that I wholly embraced it being retconnned out. And the tonal problems of that book, which goes from Karona's trippy vision quest to Sash and Waistcoat making masturbation jokes, can already be seen, though much less pronounced, in Time Streams, which also had some ill-fitting "goblins being silly" antics in between the unremitting horror of K'rricks attacks on Tolaria.