There's another source that says that the Wednesday story column is now the most popular feature, but my Google-fu was weak.
I don't think they could give us a clearer signal that the story of Magic is the story of the Gatewatch, for the foreseeable future. There might come a time when players tire of seeing these characters all the time. That time is not now. So if you're not down with all Gatewatch all the time, you're in for a rough couple of years.
I think you're equating surface details as the cause for success, but it's not. They've changed the way in which they tell the story, but that has much more to do with dedication and focus than details. You're getting entirely the wrong message for WHY the shift was successful.
I can assure you, their market data showed that people got sick of seeing the Weatherlight and that was what started the planar rotation and smaller casts in the first place. However, those stories were no more successful than the weatherlight because they were still delivering the story as a means for the cards, as basically an afterthought.
They've made changes now, and are as committed to the story and highlighting it as the cards, which has generated interest by exposure.
As a side note, I've recently started rereading the entire post-Origins story from the beginning. This is entirely false. The Nissa we see in Battle is exactly the same Nissa we saw in Teeth and Nissa, Worldwaker. (They even include that last story in the Prologue to Battle for Zendikar story set despite it being a year older than all the other stories in the set.) All of the differences are completely ascribable to her tremendous remorse over being directly and personally responsible for the deaths of millions of Zendikari.
Oh good god no. She's an absolutely different character now than in Teeth. In teeth, her entire personality was tied into how sure of herself she was and that confidence never faltered, centered in her surety of her heritage.
Now? She's a meek, dependent character who doesn't exist on her own. During Battle, she was a neurotic nonfunctional mess without Ashaya. Except those inexplicable times she apparently tapped into something dark? That was never explained, despite happening 3 times... Anyways, without Ashaya, she's centered her need for connection onto the watch.
Edit: The problem as it is, is that with Origins in place, there is a new throughline where her character in Teeth no longer belongs since Origins established a new character status quo that was followed through with Battle. Worldwaker, and this is important, is compatible with both versions of her character, but the original Nissa, as opposed to the origins-al Nissa, are very different people to start as, even if Worldwaker works for both. And I think we'd have seen a different character in Battle if she'd not had her origin overwritten.
Now, in conclusion, let me state, I'm
fine with the Watch existing. Except the name, which is stupid, but the problem I have is that we have EVERY character showing up for these events. It weakens them individually as a whole because it looks like they can't do anything on their own. The Eldrazi arc? I'll give you that, it called for them, but Aether Revolt? Chandra is getting damseled. WITH Nissa already there.
This is a woman who escaped several prisons before.