Fairly good video about the corruption of creavity by corporate interests
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqhC5fMyU_II wasn't aware that Dr. Who was on the downspin. Not that I'm a Whovian. Given the barbs at Ghostbusters though, the author might just be a red piller.
I can definitely see the corporate safe mentality in the Netflix Locke & Key show. Not sure if anybody here's watching that, but the comics had a much more true-to-reality feel. I'm not talking about the toned down sex and violence. I mean the black and white paint-by-numbers moral logic underlying some of the character motivations.
Corporations soaked in socially-safe taste-making must be having a hard time adjusting to the ascendancy of outsider geek culture. It's the sort of thing that doesn't get past their normality filters; they couldn't risk being seen by somebody in their social/work group enjoying something quirky. While the rest of the world seems to becoming more broad-minded about outsider tastes, the corporate type is hyper-evolved in the other direction.
This sort of PC* is the same reason prostitution is illegal, dangerous alcohol and opioids are legal when harmless marijuana is not, why minorities are repressed and a thousand other things that are unequivocally evil. Any rational person could tell you how to run a better world than what we have today, but this mentality of denying the light of reason keeps our world mired in its fecal state.
*I mean Politically Correct in the real sense of the word- saying, doing or thinking whatever is politically advantageous to say do or think instead of what is accurate. I'm of the opinion the term needs reclaiming. It shouldn't be a byword for "but I wanna use disparaging words!"