Okay, thank you guys for the heads-up. I guess I just came across a lot of people stating their speculation as absolute fact online... I got curious and tracked down the paragraph in question in that story*, and for the love of Gaea, I want none of those people on Dominaria (And apparently Whatshername with the bow is in the Gatewatch now or something? Urgh.) I sure as hell don't want Dominaria to rally against Phyrexia either, invasion or counter-invasion. As Tevish pointed out, we've seen that, we've been there, we've done that. That was the exact story that was being told when I got into Magic. Just this once, I want the next Dominaria set to actually be about Dominaria and not have the whole conflict be hijacked by the bloody Gatewatch again (I'm looking at you, Belzenlok).
*Seriously, what is this crap? I feel soiled just looking at some of the artwork that came with the story...
I also looked at some of the cards from the set for the first time today, but I can't say that has made it any better.
I'll be completely honest, not only does Magic not excite me anymore, the current product landscape and everything they've done to destroy their own IP actively makes me not want to play the game anymore. I've arrived at a point where I just want to burn it all down. I've had some time to think about the whole situation since
Neon Travesty came out, and I've decided that I'll make sure to never give Hasbro or anything owned by it another cent of my money ever again, UNLESS it's for more Dominaria. The two upcoming Dominaria sets are the only thing that might make me want to play Magic again in the foreseeable future. There are just so many things that I used to love about Magic that have been destroyed or taken away from me over the years, and why should I constantly suck it up and settle for less and less? Yeah, it's fun nerding out about Dominaria and trying to fill in some of the blanks, but when those two sets arrive and I don't like what we're getting, I'll just walk away. I'm not fooling around anymore.
Sorry for the frustrated little rant. That was more intense than I intended, but I needed to get it out of my system. I guess you can all go back to peacefully talking about this
New Capone thing now...