Forgive the font in the title, it entertained me too much not to use at least once.
Aaaanyway, I've decided to buckle down and try (for a second time) to design a set based around the world of Muraganda. Easy enough right? We know it has
Petroglyphs and probably
weird dinosaurs.....and that's about it. So I tried to put together a rough design a while back because I was bored and dino-world sounded fun. I got about three quarters of the way through my design skeleton before realizing that I didn't like what I had done and jettisoned the whole mess into the void.
Now I'm ready to take another crack at it and see what I can do. I'm just sort of stuck in one spot and I'd like to see if anyone had some advice.
Here's what I'm shooting for so far:
Muraganda feels like a very primal and wild place, full of mystery and awe. It strikes me somewhat of what I'd expect if someone creatively smashed Pre-Eldrazi Zendikar and the Alara shard of Jund together and saw what grew out of it. Tossing in some expected tropes like dino-riders, cavemen, out-of place explorers, tar pits, and even unexplained obelisks cropping up here and there; everything molded together to form this idea.
Muraganda is only partially a natural plane. Eons ago, a Pre-Mending 'Walker used it as a staging ground for planar experiments due to its rich mana and highly adaptable or resilient ecosystems. Said 'Walker created a control obelisk and five tuning obelisks spread out throughout Muraganda. The purpose of these stone monoliths was to cause localized planar overlays; essentially stealing swaths of other planes and merging them with Muragada. Anyway, the ancient 'Walker has since disappeared as many 'Walkers have Post-mending, but its planar technology lives on, if dormant, as the populations of Murganda continued about their existence.....that is until one of the tuning obelisks was activated, pulling a portion of a nearby plane into the fold and disrupting everything. Will the off-worlders be able to figure out what is going on, find the control obelisk, and get home? How will the home teams take to these new strangers tromping about their lands? Do the natives have designs of their own for the obelisks now that their powers have reemerged?
I've decided to go with mostly mono-color with a splash of enemy color to delineate the factions (most of which are just rough ideas currently).
Set themes:
Enemy Color
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) Cat-folk, Unearth, Tar pits, Shamanistic
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) Human, (Retrace, Recover, Forcast) Planar Refugees, hard magitech similar to Vryn
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) Elves, Sacrifice theme, Dino riders, very "strong survive, weak are eaten" theme, cannibals
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) Kithkin, token theme, cavemen, similar to Tarkhir goblins, aggressive, numerous
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) Dinosaurs, Evolve
The main issue I'm having is deciding what spell mechanic to use for the set (Unearth and Evolve are both creature mechanics). I've decided that the refugee faction will get the bulk of the ability (as they are in the spell colors), but depending on which one I choose influences a lot in the set and creatively what kind of people they are.