Welcome to the new boards!
FIRST - If you're designing cards for a set, you really need rarities on the cards. Am I supposed to see Court Denizen every game, every other game, or once per Limited event? Rarity helps define that.
Court Denizen - As stated, the card is interesting provided you do have a "legends matter" subtheme. However, I kind of feel that the card would work better as "Legendary creatures can't be blocked as long as Court Denizen is attacking."
Hero's Reward - It's a fine idea for a drawback, but is this a mechanic you want appearing on 10% of cards in the set? If the answer is "no", then perhaps this shouldn't be an ability word, and should instead just be confined to a single Uncommon cycle.
Street Assassin - Very powerful. Too powerful? Can save your team from Wrath-effects, and totally neuter an opponent who has no direct removal. Should at least have a "tap" in the cost, and make the "reward" more than just "you get back what he took" (there is no "extra" involved).
Thick Snow - Do creatures loose haste, or lose haste?
Fickle Allegiance - Practically unplayable, unless the set has a preponderance of Planeswalkers... which it likely shouldn't. Not only practically unplayable, but it doesn't hit any player demographics outside the "I hate planeswalkers" demographic.
Exquisite Sniper - Why is this giving such a weird bonus to blue/black, but such a standard bonus to others? I'd say just have this give any creature +1/+0, but turn only blue or black creatures, or perhaps only LEGENDARY creatures, into
Royal Assassins. However, you shouldn't probably have more than 1 Royal Assassin-type card per set, so either this or Street Assassin need to go.