Tevish Szat - I like how this rewards playing a deck full of singletons while still potentially backfiring, but it could also take a long time to resolve. I guess if you were trying to go infinite with it, the opponent could just name your win condition / next combo piece every time. You'd have to sideboard between games to keep them guessing. Interesting minigame
razorborne - I get the flavor reference. That drawback could be partly blue. Since it doesn't use Flagbearer text, you could make everything immune to single target spells by playing this twice. I think eternal formats might use this as another undercosted zombify, mostly on stuff that already has shroud
purple shrimp - This meets the criterion
Tekkahedron - I don't really get this card, flavorwise or mechanically. What's the point of dealing damage to something if you're not expecting it to die? This just becomes a
Goblin CannonConfused - I think
Death by Dragons does this sort of thing better and doesn't become useless when you're down to your last opponent. This is more politics than fate
EpicLevelCommoner - I guess the intention is that you could reveal a card, not be able to play it, and then be locked out of using copies that were already in your hand. In practice this probably gets used in aggro decks with low-cost cards
purplebackpack89 - Is this merely tempting fate or abandoning yourself to it completely? This is probably a fair cost, not so strong to make vintage players want to have it as a backup plan, but I could be wrong
UselessCommon - At first this doesn't read that well. The criterion wants you to put yourself in danger, but risking your whole hand for trample (compared to baseline effect like might of old krosa)? But in practice, these sorts of spells are already tempting fate - you could die on a counterattack to a failed
Overrun even though it has no drawback at all - so it's probably worth it