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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 7:46 pm 

Joined: Feb 05, 2014
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Identity: Dragon
Mostly dropping this here as a reference for me for what I want to build this Standard rotation. It looks fun to me.

Creatures (24)
4 x Llanowar Elves

4 x Saproling Migration
4 x Untamed Kavu

4 x Hallar, the Firefletcher
4 x Steel Leaf Champion

2 x Territorial Allosaurus
2 x Verix Bladewing

Non-Creatures (12)
4 x Shivan Fire

1 x Abrade
2 x Dowsing Dagger

4 x Fight with Fire
1 x Grow from the Ashes

Lands (24)
4 x Sheltered Thicket
4 x Rootbound Crag
2 x Timber Gorge
9 x Forest
1 x Arch of Orazca
2 x Scavenger Grounds
2 x Memorial to Unity

Sideboard (15)
4 x The Mending of Dominaria
4 x Sweltering Suns
3 x Abrade
3 x Naturalize
1 x Golden Guardian

Casting costs are super flexible and the mana base also provides some nice cardflow.
Mending is for opponents who have all the removal ever.
Sweltering Suns is for aggro
Abrade is for Artifacts
Naturalize is for Enchantments
Guardian is for breaking board stalls

I usually like 10 pieces of ramp in my ramp decks. This deck only has 7 right now, but we'll see. Deck looks like it can have some super low to the ground draws so I might be good.

Edit: Mayhaps Thrashing Brontodon over Naturalize? Maybe just a split...
Edit 2: Split the Mendings with some Chandra, Torches. I have 'em, may as well use 'em. may be an issue, but we'll see.
Other thoughts:
Mouth // Feed, Lifecrafter's Bestiary, Shapers' Sanctuary, or Ripjaw Raptor are fine options if I find I want more card draw. This deck might even be able to realistically cast Rishkar's Expertise, The Immortal Sun, or Sunbird's Invocation (yes you can kick cards cast off of Invocation, though with the low cmc of this deck Invocation might not actually do much).
Fling/Heart-piercer Manticore? Probably not, but it's funny to think about. Pretty sure Fight with Fire covers the "oops you're dead" angle in this deck.
Ghalta is probably just better than Territorial Allosaurus (Hilarious Note: spell check fail wanted to change Allosaurus to Apatasaurus), but I'm going to keep the synergy card for now.
Same comment for Glorybringer vs. Verix.
Blossoming Defense probably fits in the deck's game plan ok, but I wouldn't know what to cut for it. Hm... put it in over abrade, and let Naturalize/Brontodon deal with both artifacts and enchantments? I lose abrade's flexibility, which is bad, but I could at least try it.
Aethersphere Harvester is an option vs fliers, though I would hope I can just bully through them.
Hour of Devastation is an option if the metagame shakes out to me wanting a larger board wipe (Star of Extinction if things get REALLY hairy)
Struggle // Survive is removal and graveyard hate, but the existence of Scavenger Grounds makes it feel less necessary.
Treasure Keeper can accidentally Fight with Fire kicked. Amusing thought, but probably too cute. BBE is good b/c haste and you get to choose when you get the trigger by casting. Thought admittedly Treasure Keeper being a death trigger means that you can save all your mana for the kicker cost.
Trove of Temptation into my fatties? Probably unnecessary jank for this build. My dino build wanted it because it lacked good big critter removal. This deck has Fight with Fire.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:44 am 
Conqueror of Eldangard
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I think you need to decide if you want to ramp into kicked spells with the option of settling for unkicked in the mean time, or play a low to the ground deck (no ramp at all?) with the option of kicking for the late game. My feeling is that there might not be much middle ground between the Elfhame Druid and Bloodstone Goblin decks. Actually it's quite sad we're not getting a part 2 to Dominaria. The kicker theme has never really been fleshed out as much as I would like, and now I guess we've missed another chance.
I feel like Verix would be better than Allosaurus if you can support the . Hard alongside though.
Too bad Blink OF An Eye is totally out of your colors.
As a legend, Hallar might be better as a 3-of.

Cato wrote:
CotW is a method for ranking cards in increasing order of printability.

*"To YMTC it up" means to design cards that have value mostly from a design perspective. i.e. you would put them in a case under glass in your living room and visitors could remark upon the wonderful design principles, with nobody ever worring if the cards are annoying/pointless/confusing in actual play


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:26 am 

Joined: Feb 05, 2014
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Thanks for the feedback TPmanW.
This deck is built around Hallar, I'd like to keep him as a 4 of. It's supposed to be efficient and low to the ground, with the ability to explode sometimes.
Reviewing my ramp package:
4 x Llanowar Elves
2 x Dowsing Dagger
1 x Grow from the Ashes

The elves shouldn't need explanation in either version of the deck. They're too efficient to not include.
The dowsing daggers are admittedly a little cute, but they actually play both modes. If I have something I want to ramp into, I'll flip them, otherwise I'll take advantage of the fact that the transformation trigger is optional and just use them to beat face. Take note that the Untamed Kavu and Hallar both have trample, and Steel Leaf Champion has daunt, so the two 0/2's the Dagger makes for my opponent aren't really a problem for my primary early game beaters.
Grow from the Ashes I will concede may well not right for this deck. I put it in because I can kick it if the game is late enough to get another Hallar activation. It's also one of the cheapest kicked spells I could find in my color combined casting+kicked cost. But really, it doesn't affect the board in any meaningful way. And actually, if I were going to keep it I should really put a pair of mountains in the mana base so I can actually color fix with it.

I was all set here to defend the Allosaurus because, even if the kick is expensive, it kills things, but frankly, if I want to kill something that size Fight with Fire does it cheaper, and even unkicked a vanilla, 4 mana, 5/5 just isn't going to cut it.
I will admit that I didn't consider that the in Verix may give me trouble. Perhaps I should have some basic mountains in the mana base anyway. I skewed so green heavy because I wanted to maximize my chances of getting Steel Leaf Champion down ASAP, because he's an incredible source of pressure that will make sure my opponent is in range to die to Hallar triggers.
I guess Ghalta still gives me a giant green dino. I may not be able to turn 3 it, but it still should't be too hard to drop.

I agree with you on the shame of Blink of an Eye being out of color because a 4 casting+kicked cost would be amazing for this deck. I don't think I want to try adding a third color though. The deck would shift hard from being an aggressive deck to a controlling one by adding blue to the mix I think. I don't think the standard mana selection allows for a fast Temur deck.

I mean, I suppose technically there's Gift of Growth, but that's just asking to be 2-for-1'd in constructed. I think that card is probably relegated to limited use only.

Whatever. Deck still has 18 kicker spells after removing the allosaurs and grow from the ashes. It's probably fine.

Another thing I was looking at is how to deal with The Scarab God. I do have two Scavenger Grounds but I don't think that's enough. I was originally considering some number of Puncturing Blow, but now that you mention the potential issue I'm hesitant. There is Magma spray, but that would require me to 2-for-1 myself since the spray doesn't cut it on its own (unless the opponent is using The Scarab God to block Ghalta, but I really shouldn't rely on that).

2 x Territorial Allosaurus
2 x Abrade
1 x Grow from the Ashes
2 x Forest

2 x Ghalta, Primal Hunger
2 x Puncturing Blow
1 x Magma Spray
2 x Mountain

I'd love to hear more feedback on this conversation.
Thanks so much!

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:19 pm 
Conqueror of Eldangard
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Sounds like a general improvement.
The scarab god's giving everyone a hard time, huh?
Let's see what actually stops this guy or at least his zombification. Deathgorge Scavenger, Sentinel Totem, Silent Gravestone, Crook of Condemnation. Not great. Very sideboardy. And Your mana requirements make Scavenger Grounds a real deckbuilding cost.
I don't think you can take an anti token or anti zombie angle either really.
I really hate that guy.

Cato wrote:
CotW is a method for ranking cards in increasing order of printability.

*"To YMTC it up" means to design cards that have value mostly from a design perspective. i.e. you would put them in a case under glass in your living room and visitors could remark upon the wonderful design principles, with nobody ever worring if the cards are annoying/pointless/confusing in actual play


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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2018 12:49 am 

Joined: Feb 05, 2014
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Identity: Dragon
Well phooey.

Had this deck in Standard Showdown this weekend and just got absolutely destroyed by the control decks. Utterly dominated. No chance.

So I've been wracking my brains and came up with an idea for the following:

New Sideboard:
4 x Tilonalli's Summoner
4 x Carnage Tyrant
4 x Shapers' Sanctuary
2 x Crushing Canopy
1 x The Immortal Sun

New Non-Creature maindeck:
4 x Lightning Strike
2 x Struggle // Survive
4 x Fight with Fire
2 x Chandra, Torch of Defiance

Main deck creature base change:
-4 x Hallar, the Firefletcher
+4 x Prowling Serpopard

Land base change:
-1 x Scavenger Grounds
+1 x Arch of Orazca

I'm probably grasping at straws, but whatever.

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