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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:55 pm 

Joined: Feb 05, 2014
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Location: Berk
Identity: Dragon
Jaya loves me.
I have opened 3 of her across 2 boxes and my 2 prerelease kits.
Who am I to say no?

Brawler (1)
Jaya Ballard

Creatures (11)
1 x Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
1 x Ghitu Chronicler

1 x Pia Nalaar
1 x Squee, the Immortal

1 x Hazoret the Fervent
1 x Heart of Kiran
1 x Rekindling Phoenix
1 x Verix Bladewing

1 x Neheb, the Eternal
1 x Siege-Gang Commander

1 x Etali, Primal Storm

Instants and Sorceries (17)
1 x Magma Spray
1 x Shivan Fire
1 x Shock

1 x Abrade
1 x Chandra's Pyrohelix
1 x Harnessed Lightning
1 x Lightning Strike

1 x Bombard
1 x Fight with Fire
1 x Insult // Injury
1 x Repeating Barrage
1 x Sweltering Suns

1 x Puncturing Blow

1 x Deem Worthy
1 x Hour of Devastation

1 x Jaya's Immolating Inferno
1 x Release the Gremlins

Non-Creature Permanents (7)
1 x Dynavolt Tower
1 x Edifice of Authority
1 x Mirage Mirror

1 x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
1 x Primal Amulet
1 x Vance's Blasting Cannons

1 x Sunbird's Invocation

Land (24)
1 x Field of Ruin

1 x Desert of the Fervent
1 x Memorial to War

21 x Mountain

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:45 am 
Conqueror of Eldangard
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Too bad Jaya's mana can't activate Repeating Barrage's ability from the grave.

Fateful Showdown?
With Jaya you could cast Glorious End to skip an opponent's turn then recast it from the graveyard to skip your end step and buy yourself one more turn I think.
Would dinos + hits everybody burn be worth looking into?
No Cathartic Reunion? It's a good card and you may end up casting the cards you discard later.
Tormenting Voice is similarly a good card. Too bad madness isn't in standard. It was a real nice combo.
Kari Zev's Expertise's alright.
Inferno Jet's another big spell that cycles.
Pirate's Pillage churns through cards. A graveyard subtheme is worth looking into here.

Cato wrote:
CotW is a method for ranking cards in increasing order of printability.

*"To YMTC it up" means to design cards that have value mostly from a design perspective. i.e. you would put them in a case under glass in your living room and visitors could remark upon the wonderful design principles, with nobody ever worring if the cards are annoying/pointless/confusing in actual play


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 4:02 pm 

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Before I go any further, deck stats for previous decklist:
Creature/Instants and Sorceries/Non-Creature Permanents/Total
3-2/6/3/11 <-Release the Gremlins
5-2/2/1/5 <-Jaya
6-1/1/1/3 <-Jaya's Immolating Inferno

Not the greatest, but workable.

Thanks for the thoughts TPmanW!
Good point about Repeating Barrage to keep in mind.
My experience with Fateful Showdown has been underwhelming to say the least. The card tries to be good at being both cardflow and removal, but fails at being either one.
Glorious End sounds hilarious, but in order to get full use of it I need her emblem, which isn't a guarantee at all. Planeswalkers in multiplayer don't tend to be able to ult in my experience. Then again, I haven't actually tried hard to make one go off. Though I suppose the surprise extra turn may make me able to ult her, but ooooh, right this is a multiplayer format. I dunno... What do you think? I'll add it because it sounds funny, but I suspect it won't pull its weight.
Enrage dinos are a thought I hadn't considered. I'm always down to put scaly friends in any deck I build. We have: Raptor Hatchling, Frilled Deathspitter, Needletooth Raptor, Sun-Crowned Hunters, and Silverclad Ferocidons.

Going whole hog on red board wipes probably isn't a terrible idea either in what is definitely a mono-red control deck. We have:
Chandra's Pyrohelix <- while not a wipe can split damage
Chaos Maw
Dual Shot <- bad card probably isn't worth playing
Fiery Cannonade
Fight with Fire <- though only when you pay the massive kicker, though at that point you may as well hit your opponent's face
Fire Shrine Keeper <- stupid expensive activation cost
Forerunner of the Empire <- on theme for dinos
Furious Reprisal <- I think the effect is too small to be useful at this mana cost
Hour of Devastation
Incendiary Sabotage <- Probably won't have the artifact to sac to it
Jaya's Immolating Inferno
Shake the Foundations
Star of Extinction
Sweltering Suns
The First Eruption <- hits twice

The only thing going against the dino idea is that I was trying to have a critical mass of legendary creatures to make Jaya's Immolating Inferno castable. Granted Jaya herself enables the cast, but if she bites it the card rots in my hand so I'd like some level of backup.
As for Cathartic Reunion, Tormenting Voice, and Pirate's pillage got cut because I actually have a fair amount of incidental card draw.
I actually had Kari Zev's Expertise in for a while, but it was cut for room.
I had cut Inferno Jet because of its casting cost, but I missed that it cycled. I think that makes it go back in. Thanks for pointing that out.
I don't think there's room for a graveyard theme in the deck. Actually, I don't even think that theme is supported in standard right now in mono-red. I guess I could chuck in a God-Pharaoh's Gift? I don't think this deck cares about that or wants that kind of effect way up at 7 mana though.

Well, let's see what this looks like.
Dino Jaya (64):

The deck is 4 cards oversized in this version, but the general idea should hold even once it gets trimmed to size.
Deck categories and stats

Deck improvement iteration ideas

Here we go. Cut down to 60 cards.
26 land Dino Jaya (60):

Deck Stats

On this version of the deck versus the previous?
On anything about the deck?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:52 pm 
Conqueror of Eldangard
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Yeah, I figured Glorious End was a long shot. Maybe the sort of thing you have in there just so you can pull it off once and then shelve it. I dunno.
Too bad the dino theme didn't go too far. I really don't know much about the state of dinos.
I think the latest version is a little more tightly themed, plus it has the cards I liked so it's obviously better.

Cato wrote:
CotW is a method for ranking cards in increasing order of printability.

*"To YMTC it up" means to design cards that have value mostly from a design perspective. i.e. you would put them in a case under glass in your living room and visitors could remark upon the wonderful design principles, with nobody ever worring if the cards are annoying/pointless/confusing in actual play


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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 4:06 pm 

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Identity: Dragon
Got some games in with Jaya this weekend and found I have stumbled into a hole that I seem to find often these days when building singleton decks: too many enablers, not enough power/finishers.

1 x Ghitu Chronicler
1 x Squee, the Immortal
1 x Hazoret the Fervent
1 x Dynavolt Tower

I've got so much burn that the Chronicler just isn't necessary
Squee was literally only in there to help enable the casting of Jaya's Immolating Inferno, but after my games I'm finding that Jaya holds her ground just fine and Squee is just terrible otherwise. I don't even want to cast him from my graveyard after pitching him to Jaya. In fact, I believe he may have been a remnant from when Siege-Gang Commander was in the deck...
Hazoret never turned on because I apparently am able to keep my hand stocked. Also Hazoret just dies to Hour of Devastation...whoopsie.
I never got to cast Dynavolt Tower, but the one time I drew it I realized just how slow it would be to even get one activation out of since it is literally the only source of energy generation in the deck.
As for what comes in, remember those giant dinos that I cut earlier?

1 x Forerunner of the Empire
1 x Sun-Crowned Hunters
1 x Silverclad Ferocidons
And beyond those three I found one more very on theme card:
1 x Wildfire Eternal
Hopefully the eternal is more than just a cutesy thematic interaction, but it seems worth investigating.
If the deck needs more oomph I can swap for some generally more powerful threats like Glorybringer or Combustible Gearhulk, but for right now I'd like to see how the dino tack plays out.

Oh and one more thing: since the banlist was modified I now have access to Ramunap Ruins. The price to include a desert package in my mana base seems pretty small in a mono-color deck.
8 x Mountain

1 x Cradle of the Accursed
1 x Dunes of the Dead
1 x Endless Sands
1 x Grasping Dunes
1 x Hostile Desert
1 x Scavenger Grounds
1 x Sunscorched Desert
1 x Ramunap Ruins
This maaaaaay be too many colorless sources to get Jaya out consistently, but I want to try.

26 land Dino Jaya (60):

Deck Stats

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