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Choosing a favorite color
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Author:  ManaGuru [ Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Choosing a favorite color

I'm asking out of curiosity. What colors do you guys like most? How do you guys choose what color(s) you like most? Is it the philosophy, the flavor or the function of the color(s)? Are there colors you refuse to play? Does the color(s) you like influence you life?

Author:  Mown [ Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

I like black from a philosophical standpoint.
I have an inclination towards making blue decks.
I'm generally better at designing white cards, or at least I find it easier.
I find green cards the most fun to design.

Author:  Cato [ Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

I like blue because I'm obsessed with control out of paranoia that anything and anyone I don't have total and direct control over will hurt me.

Author:  Wahooney [ Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

I don't so much have a favorite color as I have a least favorite one. I like white far less than I do any other color. I just find it very difficult to find white cards that would be interesting to me in deckbuilding.

Author:  Dr_Demento [ Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

Apparently I play Blue/Red in every format. Standard Pauper? Izzet Control. Pauper? Cylops control. Modern? Splinter Twin.

Obviously, the reason I'm not playing any other format is due to the lack of satisfying U/R archtypes.

Author:  chinkeeyong [ Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

I identify a lot with the colors - with their philosophies, their imagery, and their mechanical playstyles. (Innistrad is my favorite set of all time for the same reason.) I feel most comfortable playing decks in those colors, and the articles written about them have in part helped me to better understand myself. That said, I don't mind playing any colored deck that's handed to me. It's all one game after all.

Author:  thatmarkguy [ Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

Wahooney wrote:
I don't so much have a favorite color as I have a least favorite one. I like white far less than I do any other color. I just find it very difficult to find white cards that would be interesting to me in deckbuilding.

I'm that way with red. Black likely appears in the greatest percentage of my decks, and red the smallest percentage, but all of white, blue, and green aren't far behind black in how often I use them - and all are way ahead of red.

Author:  Hakeem928 [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

Blue and black with a dose of red. Green and white are boring and all their creatures need to die.

Author:  Fenix [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

I like to think I'm equal parts Blue and Black, but the more I think about it the more I realize I'm probably like, 90% Black. After Black and Blue it falls off massively but I like some aspects of Green. I have no opinion on Red and hate White with passion.

Author:  Jman22 [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

Black's always been my favorite. A big part of that is the mechanics (fear and deathtouch were always ones I liked) but they also get zombies, and kill creatures. And when you're at the kitchen table, one of the suckiest things is to die to a dragon you can't do anything about. You also get awesome things that the other colors do, like hitting opponents directly (Consume Spirit) Wrath effects (Pestilence, Plague Wind), drawing cards (Promise of Power) and more.

Also, the sixth edition Black Knight was always super awesome to me. Was one of my first cards. And Grotesque Hybrid is also one of my early first cards, and one that I ALWAYS think of when starting magic. Along with Soulless One, because it won me my first ever game of Magic.

Over time, I've come to be a big fan of green, as well as blue. But red has always been my least favorite color, beyond the silly chaos effects.

If you didn't notice, I've been listing a bunch of the cards that come to mind from when I first started playing Magic. I find it funny I came to be such a big fan of black when the first precon deck I bought was the Odyssey white/blue one.

Author:  JBEvermore [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

In real life I'm a strict pacifist and a science nerd. Probably the living definition of .

In gaming, whether Magic or electronic, I'm a nuke happy sociopath that would make Stalin blink and go "dang son, dial it back a notch." So, pretty Grixis.

Once of the first cards I saw when I started playing Magic was Pestilence. I read the text and thought "yes, I'm home".

Author:  Cateran [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

When I was younger, I liked Charizard. So I went with Red and that Tempest Sligh deck with Rathi Dragon. Now I like Jund for the shard and the personality that comes from the three colors: passion and creativity driven by the belief that my selfworth is determined by what I can accomplish, and that I must use any available means to do so without jeopardizing my accomplishments. My first deck was even a Jund deck: Abyssal Specter, Eron the Relentless, Blastoderm, Darigaaz, the Igniter, Flametongue Kavu, Llanowar Elves,
Yavimaya Barbarian
. Darigaaz reminded me of Charizard.

Author:  Nekomata-sensei [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

I probably dabble in all the colors, am strongest in blue and to a lesser degree bant. I play black well in my play with decks of different colors, but like a lot of it's flavor elements the least, but I could imagine a black deck I'd like pretty easily. My favorite is probably blue though, mostly because of their friendliness towards artifacts and their air and water elementals.

Author:  DS [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

I am pretty cool with playing any of the colors, but I tend to like enemy color pairs better. In terms of design, I like all the colors except blue gets boring even though its status as the color that gets everything has fallen and green and white are too similar such that it's hard to design a green-white card that couldn't also be hybrid.

Philosophically, I tend to identify with a number of colors but my affinity for green tends to be emphasized because people online tend to not identify with green.

The point being I don't really have one favorite anymore.

Author:  HARBiNG3R [ Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

Personality wise I think I am and probably in that order. However, the color that attracts me the most is . To put it simple I love killing things, I love big demons, I love "sacrifice" as a mechanic whether it's self induced or force on my opponent, be able to tutor, being able to lose and gain life as well as bring things back from the dead. I am a control player at heart so naturally I spill over into as well (I love blue card draw and manipulation). My favorite shard is because it sort of personifies everything I like in control into one single package.

Author:  Flyheight [ Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

I'm personally in personality. My favorite single color is Red because DRAGONS!, but I do end up playing green a bit too because I like all things huge and stompy (I'm a TIMMY/Johnny). I like the Shard of Jund (again, because DRAGONS!), but while I respect the versatility and utility of black (and I also do so very much enjoy it's efficiency) it doesn't really do much for me on an emotional level. When blue shows up in my decks it's generally paired with red for shenanigannery (stuff like gelectrode). White is the most "blah" color for me to play, though it does have some interesting enchantments that I like to play with sometimes (Sigil of the Empty Throne and Concerted Effort among them)

Author:  ManaGuru [ Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choosing a favorite color

Edit: I think my favorite color(s) to use most is :wb:. These colors have my favorite characters such as teysa, the obzedat and sorin. These colors hold my favorite strategy to use; a structured and stabilized defense in :w: with a slow but surely gradual life gain with removal in :b:. These colors have my favorite philosophy together and my favorite flavor together. These colors have my favorite color palettes in their art and have a great overall feel to them. I always imagine myself aspiring to the :w::b: philosophy but never was sure if that was really me. Either way, if I had to immediately run to use a color(s) for a game, I would almost always run to :wb:.

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