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 Post subject: Recent Commander news
PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 12:15 pm 
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Joined: Oct 01, 2015
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Commander is a fan-made format governed by the "Commander Rules Committee". Recently they banned a handful of expensive cards that had been printed for commander (E.G. Jeweled Lotus) and then they got a bunch of death threats and decided to resign and put Hasbro employees in charge of any future rules changes.

WotC is talking about maybe unbanning the cards and making a "bracket system" that is maybe like a soft ban list. There would be 4 lists of cards with bracket 4 being the "least casual" cards and 1 being powerful cards in commander that they expect most tables to be using. Then each table could decide for themselves if the higher brackets are legal in their group.
The whole things seems to still be in the early concept phase. There is some weird stuff where ranking is determined by a combination of power level and "vibes". Sol Ring a Fetch Lands are powerful cards but Sol ring gets a low bracket because lots of people already have them and Fetch Lands get to be in a low tier because new players don't realize how strong they are/WotC likes selling rare lands?

Tolarian Community College Professor (and others) say they want a point system like Canadian Highlander. If the strong cards had Point values instead of Brackets you could give Sol Ring the points that it deserves based on power level and say that a deck with 25 or less points is a "casual deck". Then if you want to put some other strong cards in your deck you could either take out your Sol Ring or talk to your playgroup about having everyone aim for "50 points or less" or whatever point range makes sense for what the players want to use.

The downside of a point system is that it is a bit complicated and you can't call out an opponent as soon as they play a powerful card. If they have a 50 point deck but tell you that it is 25 points you have to believe them unless you know they system well and look through their whole deck.

I think one thing that can keep things a bit simple is to not use every possible point values from 1 to 10. If every card with points was 1, 3, 5, or 10 it would be a bit easier to memorize and tally up point values. Hopefully it is built into software tell you the total automatically but for anyone doing it by hand I think this would help. It makes the system a bit less accurate at quantifying how much power a card adds to a deck but that seems like such a rough estimate already I don't think it makes it much worse.

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