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Thought Experiment: Color Pairs as Jungian Cognitive Functions
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Author:  EpicLevelCommoner [ Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Thought Experiment: Color Pairs as Jungian Cognitive Functions

Based off of the Jungian philosophy and the Myers Briggs personality test.

1. Figure out which two color combination you most strongly identify with; this should be your primary color pair.

2. Identify the common ally or enemy color, then identify the remaining color pair. That is your inferior color pair.

3. Confirm your results (honestly been burning my brain out on how to apply the tertiary and auxillary functions here, but it isn't exactly an easy translation).

Anyhow, as an example, I am strongly RW in real life, so that is my primary pair. That makes UB my inferior pair. This makes sense to me as I am extremely idealistic to the point of being dogmatic at times, and pragmatism is difficult for me to employ in my life.

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