The color/color-combo that will "take off" is entirely random in a sense. There's relatively zero way to tell which future archetype will do well without seeing the cardpool available to it. Mono-Blue Devotion stands as testament to this. Coming into Theros, we knew there was going to be a devotion mechanic. Cool. Yay. Expand board. Get prizes. Did anyone expect
blue to come out strong? Of all the philosophies that a devotion-based deck revolves around, did anyone think
blue would be the one to exploit it? Of course not. That territory belongs to... literally anything else. However, blue got
Master of Waves and
Thassa and the other colors got (comparatively) shafted.
If you truly want to make speculation of archetypes, don't base it off "this color's going to get buffed". You analyze each currently close-to-viable deck and establish how easily the holes are filled by a standard cardpool increase. You can say that oh "X is going to get love" or "Y is really hurting", but what does that actually matter? If you're going to speculate in any way, you should look at the current cardpool and look at your holes. If the verdict is "this deck is great but it needs 2cc drop", then yes, there may be hope for it after all. If you look at the deck and cross your fingers that the next set brings a 1cc mostly unconditional kill spell, you may be pretty ****. With this method, one can (properly) speculate, for example, that Mono-Green Devotion may be a future power due its rather simplistic needs.
1. Rakdos's Return (5 bucks)
2. Angel of Serenity (4 bucks)
3. Aurelia's Fury (2 bucks)
4. Underworld Cerberus (2 bucks)
5. Master Biomancer (4 bucks)
Runners Up: Sphinx's Revelation/Elspeth (20/18 - the format's control staples haven't peaked yet)
1. Sylvan Caryatid (5 dollars - will be relevant in both Bant and Jund)
2. Reaper of the Wilds (2 dollars)
3. Relevant shocklands (7 bucks)
4. Abrupt Decay (about 5 bucks - inexplicably going down already, but Jund should bring it up a couple of bucks)
5. Beck // Call (35 cents)
In this world there are "eternal" cards, "trick" cards, there are "good" cards, there are "cards", and there are "****" cards.
On your list, both things that are "good", Abrupt Decay and Shocklands also happen to be eternal (Modern-Vintage) playable. Holy. ****. God damned Abrupt Decay. Abrupt Decay is an example of a card that is
good. If you're running B/G, you're running Abrupt Decay. Unless they're printed in some future duel deck or promo or just flat out reprinted, both Abrupt Decay and Shocklands are very safe cards to pick up at their current flooded market value. On a long enough timescale, they'll break their current value.
Angel of Serenity and
maybe Master Biomancer are the only really viable "trick" cards on your list. Angel of Serenity is a very powerful card, but what deck can naturally she fit into? If you tossed her into White Weenies (just example), do you think she would fly it to victory? Of course not. She'd be 7cc of "I wish you were something else". Angel of Serenity requires outside influence to be good. Such as reanimation. Without it, she will be trash. You can buy them now low and potentially get $30 before rotation, or you can be out $3-5 a pop.
Sylvan Caryatid, Reaper of the Wilds, Beck // Call are all just... "meh". Who cares. They get a deck. They don't get a deck. They go up. They go down. Even Sylvan Caryatid is nothing special. Sure, it's a beefed Utopia Tree, but who cares? It too gets a deck or it doesn't. You pick these cards up as filler or as bulk or as the last picks in the backdraft. They're junk that may see play in Standard because "Standard". Beck // Call is the only exceptional one in this pool since it may also have a place with the "trick" cards.
The rest in your list are all ****. No one cares about Underworld Cerberus. No one cares about Rakdos's Return. There are better cards in the same colors that just flat out do better things.
Fake Edit: Oh, and Sphinx's Revelation and Elspeth both did very much so peak.