So according to the math, even if you lose 100% of your game ones, you are odds-on to win the match if you win most of your postboard games (see ... in-legacy/).
Here's an idea then. Instead of building your deck with 75 cards, why not do so with, say, 200 cards. You still only have 15 sideboard slots so your main deck will contain 185 cards. With these 185 cards you use lots of cards of enough variety (including lands of all colours, for example) to adapt to any given deck. Then after game 1, which you will undoubtedly lose, you simply take out cards until your deck has a good matchup against whatever your opponent is playing. For example let's say a format contains a big three of decks, where deck A > deck B > deck C > deck A. You run deck "ABC" in your 200 slots. If your opponent is playing deck A, then after you lose game 1 you remove every card belonging to decks A & B from your deck, effectively "sideboarding" into deck C. Then you eat him for breakfast.
I've not seen this idea in event coverage and I only play Magic Duels. Does it work in practice? The rules seemingly don't care about how many cards you sideboard, so I don't see why not.