Ah, so if I want to write about what decks I expect, what I intend to play, I should do it here? Thanks.
The original plan was to have people talk about their deck tech (and alt round rule suggestions) here to have a bit of a sounding board for concepts and to be able to be made aware of alt-round enablers, and some users didn't want that talk in the main thread should they prefer to avoid it.
I think only jackmark here really tried to use the thread as an attempt to actually shape the meta though. That's part of the problem with the thread. It stopped being about 'What concepts might work' and started being about 'what can I lobby others to try so I can play what beats that" and "How about I post 5 possible decks I might use, so that when I use one of them I can laugh at everyone for being such fools as to get beaten by a deck I forewarned them about".