A split? Ooooo.
This is a fun game where you say what you'd do after knowing what my deck is. We could do this all day and the last speaker will always be able to show a foil for the preceding speaker. yeah, you'd have played 3 different colors for fear of Iona, that's why your example deck was damnation and vraska.
The point of the game is to propose counters and counters to those counters. Then I will go off on my own and decide which are ludicrous and which actually make sense, all while learning a lot I didn't know about the game from some smart people.
Isn't that the point of a meta discussion?
My original deck was going to be ajani and sorin until I decided that was stupid. Then I looked at Gideon and Vraska. Then Garruk + anything 6 or 7 mana. <- After all of which I tried to figure out how I would beat all those and whether one big reanimation bomb was just better to do than the entire thing. Then I googled fast mana decks in modern. Then I got worried about removal and tried to figure out a bunch of ways I could cover all my bases without being too weak to artifact and enchantment win cons. Then b/c i'm jack I tried to make Emrakul work and decided it wasn't worth it. The last thing I considered before making this thread was whether i should just say **** it and do triple
Wurmcoil Engine, which I decided was probably stupid. And now here we are, spitballing some ideas back and forth.
Edit: Meanwhile Edacade is trying to figure out which of these decks I was dumb enough to propose that i'm actually going to run.