Other iterations of this game sometimes include a 'Land Rule', which is to say that each player is allowed to play (create from nowhere) any basic land whenever they could play a land (and according banlist to neuter
Fastbond et al). This allows the entire content of the deck to be 'payload' cards because the format allows for mana production as needed (but paced to usually not exceed the usual rate of land drops in a Magic game).
That tends not to be played here unless it's somehow incorporated into an alt round; here, mana is generally always part of the deck.
This does cause most decks to fall into one of several archetypes:
Mana-Threat-Defense/Disrupt is the most typical. One card is the mana producer, one card is the victory condition, and one card exists to prevent the opponent's victory condition. We've seen many examples in this thread so far:
Mox Pearl /
Glint Hawk /
Mana Tithe is one.
Mishra's Workshop /
Scalding Tongs /
Ensnaring Bridge is one.
Black Lotus /
Nether Spirit /
Mana-Mana-Threat is possible but dangerous. Can usually mount a much bigger threat because of the extra mana available.
Black Lotus /
Black Lotus /
Grave Titan goes here.
Mana-Threat-Threat is also possible.
Hickory Woodlot /
Mayor of Avabruck /
Mayor of Avabruck is potent, as is
City of Traitors /
Chronomaton /
Then there are decks that hybridize two of the above:
A manland can be both mana *and* threat.
Dryad Arbor is both and doesn't even need any other support.
Inkmoth Nexus needs a second mana source to be usefully activated, but provides more mana along the way to being the wincon threat.
Chancellor of the Tangle gives you first turn mana and can eventually land later as your wincon threat (be it via a storage land or, say,
Aether Vial. Or
Meddling Mage,
Brain Maggot,
Lodestone Golem,
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben are examples of threats that also act as disruption.
Then there's manaless decks. It's viable to play a deck that plays no mana producers at all and casts all its spells via life-payment (
Gut Shot) or discard/hand-exile (
Pyrokinesis), or automatic start-of-game abilities (
Chancellor of the Forge,
Leyline of the Meek) or simply that are free (