Last night on ChannelFireball Twoo posted an Acidic Slime-based version of the Monogreen Devotion deck I've been working on in Modern the past couple of months. It's about 14 cards off my list (because of fetch lands) and... I couldn't care less because I think it's awesome the deck is getting attention and the more people that work on it the better the deck gets, and it's fun as hell, and I got the whole idea to start working on it from an LSV article a while ago.
I'm on MTGSalvation too, specifically for this deck discussion... and a whole bunch of people are up in arms about Twoo stealing the deck idea, claiming it as his own, bashing his article in the comments, yada yada... I get there are pretentious jerks out there, but seriously, chill people. I've never seen this kind of backlash from home brewers. Is this a thing because people hate Twoo, or has this happened to you before and I'm misunderstanding it and should be outraged?
Article here: ... aura-ramp/Again, it's a really fun deck that is fairly cheap for Modern standards.
Interesting, you got an idea from LSV and then claim it as your own and then say TWoo stole it from you? LSV and TWoo are co-workers if anything they talked to each other about it. Also how can you claim a deck after taking it from LSV and then someone else can't claim it for themselves? This thread is all kinds of strange. Then afterwards it just turns into personal attacks against TWoo.