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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:37 pm 
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They banned Ornithopter, Emmara Tandris and Magus of the Mirror!?! My deck ran all of those!!!

Cato wrote:
CotW is a method for ranking cards in increasing order of printability.

*"To YMTC it up" means to design cards that have value mostly from a design perspective. i.e. you would put them in a case under glass in your living room and visitors could remark upon the wonderful design principles, with nobody ever worring if the cards are annoying/pointless/confusing in actual play


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:42 am 
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Exactly what I expected to happen....


magicpablo666 wrote:
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in an thread with GM_Champion" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against AzureShade when card design is on the line!"

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:04 am 
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:07 am 
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They really should have just banned Aetherworks Marvel instead of Emmy. The deck doesn't really change that much now except we have to deal with watching lots of things get exiled instead of losing a turn.

magicpablo666 wrote:
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in an thread with GM_Champion" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against AzureShade when card design is on the line!"

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:34 am 
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I really wish they could just up costs of OP cards as easily, as some other game's crew.
That card is wonderful, it just needs to cost 2-3 more...
And we'll probably lose it :(.

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War of the spark will have so many Planeswalkers, they won't even be planeswalking anymore.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:00 am 

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"Don't turn standard into a format with a diversity of fun and playable decks."

U wot m8?

Ya, you guys were just complaining about Modern and the Eldrazi a couple months ago, so don't give me that. Standard rotates quickly enough that the need for bans tend to be unnecessary. Caw Blade and Skullclamp/Affinity were the two exceptions, and we played through a lot of it before those even happened.

There have been cards that have been just as oppressive and present in Standard that have not received bans. Delver, Thragtusk, Collected Company, Pack Rat and Thoughtseize, Snapcaster Mage, Splinter Twin, etc. etc. There's a big difference between 60% of the format is currently Deck X, and... this card has been seeing a lot of play recently as a 4-of.

Wizards has sped the rotation cycle of Standard up a bit with 2-set blocks to keep the format from getting stale. I think they should let the system do its job, rather than just sniping cards that players deem 'unfun'. Hell, Copter didn't even get to see its second set in Standard. That's only been done before by Skullclamp. Let me tell you right now... Copter is no Skullclamp.

It sets a bad precedent. Honestly, if Wizards doesn't want certain cards/decks to become oppressive, they need to make more of an attempt to see these things in their FFL.

Last edited by FR2 on Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:31 am 
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FR2 wrote:
There have been cards that have been just as oppressive and present in Standard that have not received bans. Delver, Thragtusk, Collected Company, Pack Rat and Thoughtseize, Snapcaster Mage, Splinter Twin, etc. etc. There's a big difference between 60% of the format is currently Deck X, and... this card has been seeing a lot of play recently as a 4-of.

If a card sees play as 4x in 90% of decks, it is bad, because it diminishes the diversity inside
archetypes. Most archetypes already have a lot of "must-add" cards, and then Copter is a must-add for ALL decks, cutting the area of allowed experimentation by a third. Either "few deck with lots of variations dominate the game" or "intermediate number of decks with little to no variety dominates the game" is bad.
All cards listed are colored, so they, by definition, aren't "must-play" for all decks. Copter is colorless, so you can see a result.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:50 am 
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All cards listed are colored, so they, by definition, aren't "must-play" for all decks.

I mean, JTMS was despite being blue, but I think the general perception was that WotC was too slow on that ban?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:54 am 

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and then Copter is a must-add for ALL decks

This just isn't true though. Aetherworks doesn't play Copter, R/G Energy Aggro normally doesn't play Copter, Emerge variants don't play Copter. Same with Emrakul and Reflector Mage. Em only sees play in Delirium, Aetherworks, and sometimes Emerge variants. Mage only sees play in U/W Flash and U/W Humans variants.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:09 pm 
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Yeah, my Mono-white Legends/Displacer deck doesn't use Copter either. Like, outside of Vehicles, Madness, and some Delerium decks, more decks just factor in Copter hate instead of playing Copters themselves.

magicpablo666 wrote:
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in an thread with GM_Champion" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against AzureShade when card design is on the line!"

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:20 pm 
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When the first major standard event of KLD season had 32 copters in its top 8, it warped the format into rock paper scissors - use the copters, hate the copters, or beat the decks that are weak against nonCopter oppsition by being focused on hating copters.

Instead they'll now have the much more desirable "Everyone play Saheeli" meta.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:22 pm 
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Stock up on your copies of Lost Legacy now! Cut the combo's legs right out from under it!

magicpablo666 wrote:
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in an thread with GM_Champion" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against AzureShade when card design is on the line!"

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:44 pm 
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If we are making predictions, I think they are going to try to dial back on absurdly pushed cards for standard. Obviously, they print them to sell packs but there is a corrective mechanism.

I wonder how many shares of Hasbro I would have to buy before I could see WOTCs sales figures. I guess I could just ask the guy at the store, although N=1.

Hmmm... maybe the issue is that no matter how much you push cards in a set, the EV of the pack can't really go up that much, and so demand is never a function of the value of the cards (except specials like Masterpieces/Inventions/)
Upon release a KLD box had an EV of $85 ($2.34/pack) plus $15 for Masterpieces (very high variance as it's more like $60 once in 4 boxes)

If cards like Copter are ubiquitous then the EV of those cards stays high ($8-10) but MORE rares become bulk. Because the fewer (rare) cards actually in the standard playable pool, the more bulk rares. So the EV of a pack just gets shifted around??

Copter (and the other 2) ban must mean that Wotc sees demand slipping, probably due to lowered Standard attendance. Well, it was a cool draft format anyhow (although Copter was super dumb in limited as well... at least if you stole a match or even a game from it you felt pretty awesome).

Maybe the problem is not Standard "being fun" at all... but simply that in FFL NOTHING in AER cracked into the current meta. So their sales projections were really slow. Hence the printing (I strongly doubt it's an accident, the combo was figured out by the internet in <30 minutes after spoiler) of the new Twin combo, "Cat storm".

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:55 pm 
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AzureShade wrote:
Stock up on your copies of Lost Legacy now! Cut the combo's legs right out from under it!
Never mind, it seems to be out of stock already over at Star City. I assume it is the same elsewhere too.

magicpablo666 wrote:
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in an thread with GM_Champion" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against AzureShade when card design is on the line!"

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:30 pm 
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Seriously ????
Seriously, wtf ? This starts sounding surreal. The next thing I'll hear is that WotC accurately predicts player's reactions, and uses massive waves of confusion, market panic, and disapproval as subtle ways to manipulate the fate of the Universe. Or Multiverse.

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War of the spark will have so many Planeswalkers, they won't even be planeswalking anymore.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:49 pm 
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To be fair Lost Legacy probably isn't actually sold out everywhere. It's more likely that online vendors have removed their inventory of the $0.50 rare in order to see if there's a big enough desire for it to justify raising the price to a few bucks before Game Day rolls around.

magicpablo666 wrote:
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in an thread with GM_Champion" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against AzureShade when card design is on the line!"

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:41 pm 
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wow things I have a random play set of.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
"Something that does not look good when your opponent does nothing is not a thing" -- me

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:52 am 
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I remember coming into possession of a lot of Eldrazi Mimic via a fatpack right before Eldrazi Winter hit. Good times for my wallet.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:43 pm 
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Zenbitz wrote:
Maybe the problem is not Standard "being fun" at all... but simply that in FFL NOTHING in AER cracked into the current meta. So their sales projections were really slow. Hence the printing (I strongly doubt it's an accident, the combo was figured out by the internet in <30 minutes after spoiler) of the new Twin combo, "Cat storm".

Yeah, because an uncommon is going to skyrocket enough that, by itself, it will push the EV of a pack up enough for people to buy.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 6:12 pm 
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Ha, ha, good point. Although it might get Kaladesh packs to be opened more? Can't be more than Copter though. I guess my thought was that more standard diversity = more packs opened?

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
"Something that does not look good when your opponent does nothing is not a thing" -- me

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