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 Post subject: Re: Shame! Shame!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:36 pm 
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Artifacts Cycle was a really good read. Really illustrated the god-moding they did for older Planeswalkers.

Former Rules Advisor (RA program ended 5-3-16)

Up High, Down Low, Whoops, Too Slow.

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 Post subject: Re: Shame! Shame!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:22 pm 

Joined: Jul 02, 2015
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Edacade wrote:
Artifacts Cycle was a really good read. Really illustrated the god-moding they did for older Planeswalkers.

I thought this was generally considered some of magic's best writing. I agree with you anyway.

Edit: oh, I thought you were stating an unpopular opinion :blush:

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 Post subject: Re: Shame! Shame!
PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 12:57 am 
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Edacade wrote:
I feel like people who claim to be black players but refuse to sacrifice their creatures, discard cards, or pay life are bald-faced liars.

Edit: To clarify, "black player" means "person who plays heavily in the Magic color of black" not "player who is racially considered black."

Now this is a relatable post.

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 Post subject: Re: Shame! Shame!
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:55 pm 
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Unpopular opinions...
I hate how cards are "balanced" by Wizards :
Serra Angel and Baneslayer Angel, Titans and Yavimaya wurms, uncommon Murder and common Flesh to Dust...
Like if only commons allowed to be efficent are w/g 2drops, hard counterspells and Shock variants !
(notice how this leaves no room for efficent black commons)
Also, i hate creatures that are OP just for sake of being w or g, like Sylvan Advocate or Tophan Freeblade.
:censored: you mythics
planeswalkers wuold be ok if they weren't allways mythics.

nice quotes from this forum

War of the spark will have so many Planeswalkers, they won't even be planeswalking anymore.

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 Post subject: Re: Shame! Shame!
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:20 pm 
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planeswalkers wuold be ok if they weren't allways mythics.

I agree with this statement, but not in the manner it is meant to be read.

Intended read: "Planeswalkers shouldn't always be mythic rare."
Alternate read: "Planeswalkers wouldn't be as good if they were below mythic rare."

Former Rules Advisor (RA program ended 5-3-16)

Up High, Down Low, Whoops, Too Slow.

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 Post subject: Re: Shame! Shame!
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:47 am 
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I think Sol Ring and Jitte should be banned in EDH.

I also think the people in charge of banning cards in EDH don't know what they're doing, but I'm not sure that's an unpopular opinion.

"I'm all for screwing with the natural order. The natural order objectively is awful. The natural order includes death, disease, pain, and starvation." --Sam Keeper

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 Post subject: Re: Shame! Shame!
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:23 pm 
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they ban a lot of cards I find fun that other people abuse which is annoying.

altimis wrote:
I never take anytihng Lily says seriously, except for when I take it personally. Then it's personal.
WotC_Ethan wrote:
People, buy more stuff.


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 Post subject: Re: Shame! Shame!
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:41 pm 
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The problem is that their ideals have changed and it leaves them in an untenable situation. When they were fresh and new, making the initial banlist exclude the ridiculously expensive cards like the Moxes was important to have the format gain a foothold among the vast majority of players who didn't have access to those cards and didn't want just another format where they would get stomped by them. Meanwhile, the equivalently-game-warping Sol Ring and Demonic Tutor and Strip Mine were left alone because they were comparably much more readily available. People who lost to those cards, being just-as-dominant as any Mox would be, couldn't use the "beaten by deep pockets" argument because anyone could buy a Sol Ring cheap.

The problem is, as time went on and other cards started to creep up into stratospheric values, the committee never re-evaluated any cards on the basis of budget-availability like they did in the first banswath. They didn't want the backlash of owners of valuable cards suddenly being unable to play them and having the playerbase shrink or risk another casual format taking over as a result, so now the format is dominated with big dollar cards they won't ban despite their first banlist being created largely to stop the format from being about the big dollar cards.

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