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Need More Knowledge - Dark Matter
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Author:  Yarium [ Tue Mar 05, 2019 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Need More Knowledge - Dark Matter

Hey folks,

My brain sometimes likes working on problems in physics, even though I don't have a Masters or Doctorate or anything in Physics. I just know there are problems, and I like to try and think of solutions. There's one idea that's been turning in my head for a while, ever since I read an article talking about the weirdness of how Dark Matter might behave if it were a particle that had no interactions outside of gravity. That idea was Dark Matter Decoupling, because, if everything else was "coupled" together back in time at some point during the Big Bang, then Dark Matter would also have a point of being coupled with everything else as well. However, that was just what started leading to this other idea, and I'd like to think of a way of it being testable.

What if Dark Matter had a quantized energy level that caused it to have a near-0 percent chance of appearing near the center of wherever you looked? I mean, when we look for an electron, we find it not in a specific spot, but in the rings around the atomic nucleus. We find it in those probability shells. Thing is, we never find it in the center of the shell - we find it on the shell. What if the Dark Matter particle's energy levels puts its shell into something so large that we can't normally see it? What if its shell was the size of the solar system? Intrinsically, at our scale, if you look for it, you wouldn't be able to find it. Heck, at that scale, it would almost never appear to be in the spot that you're looking for it in. You could only ever describe it as being "somewhere" in our solar system, right? So it couldn't interact with anything, or would interact so dumbly rarely as to be never.

I need to know a source that can help me learn the math in describing something like this, and then try to figure out a prediction that could only be described by something like this.

Author:  mjack33 [ Wed May 01, 2019 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need More Knowledge - Dark Matter

Dark Matter is anything we can't see that has the same scaling in energy density as regular matter. It is sometimes referred to as "non-luminous" matter. There is no proof that it exists, because we can't currently see or detect it. It is theorized to exist because it would explain a whole bunch of things that otherwise don't obey the normal laws of gravity on a cosmic scale. Most of the credible theories currently relating to the theorized existence of dark matter require it to be made up of subatomic particles that don't quite meet the scale you are talking about.

Author:  Captan_Lunch [ Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need More Knowledge - Dark Matter

What if the Dark Matter particle's energy levels puts its shell into something so large that we can't normally see it? What if its shell was the size of the solar system?

I had a similar thought once about entropy. How perhaps, you could exceed maximum entropy and achive a new order. It would be a negative of the previous order

Cold - max entropy

Author:  TPmanW [ Sun Sep 08, 2019 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need More Knowledge - Dark Matter

An interesting concept. Does the probability distribution of a particle really affect how frequently it interacts with other particles? Just because it's hard to tell exactly where it is doesn't intuitively mean it shouldn't be interacting with something inside its probable distribution range.

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