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Author:  tony3 [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Dreamin'

Post your wonky dreams!

It was a mix between A Bugs Life (pretty sure I was an ant at one point...), a Michael Bay film, and some weird Mission Impossible scenario where I infiltrated a punk biker syndicate.

Author:  Van [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

my mother appeared to tell me she was dying of cancer and then I found myself adrift in the middle of an angry sea by my brother's new friend who wanted me gone once and for all.

Author:  Yarium [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

I get a recurring theme of a dream...

I'm travelling somewhere, usually to Florida, and something happens that makes it difficult. Often I can't find my passport or plane tickets. Sometimes I'm driving there, sometimes I'm flying. It's the closest thing I have to a nightmare, though I don't think I've had a nightmare in over 15 years.

Author:  Filobel [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

I used to dream a whole lot back when I was able to wake up at any time I wanted, not sure why. I started giving them a lot of importance and thoughts. I would write some of them down and would also make a mental list of all recurring events or details so that I could recognize them when I dream to become aware and turn regular dreams into lucid dreams. That was pretty cool, although I found that if you don't keep reminding yourself that you are in a dream, the lucid dream soon turns back into a normal dream.

Although I don't dream nearly as much as I used to (well... I probably do, I just don't remember them as much) and haven't had an actual lucid dreams in years, I do find that these little tricks I developed help make the few dreams I do have more enjoyable. For instance, one of the recurring events that I noted was looking for my keys or other similar objects, or noticing that I'm missing a shoe. Normally, this would lead to a stressful dream where I spend a lot of time looking for my keys or my shoe. Now, when these events happen, I become aware that it's a dream just long enough to say "this is a dream, my keys are in my pockets", find my keys and continue on dreaming normally. Similarly, falling dreams turn into flying dreams, drowning dreams into sea exploration dreams, etc.

Author:  Yarium [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

Lol, I should do that too. I've never been able to use lucid dreaming to do much interesting though - the dream-realm tugs tight to keep me on course. Also, I'm lucid dreaming about being at the border or in an airport. Not a whole lot to do there. "Yay! I can dream about waiting for my plane with my luggage!" :-P

Author:  Mown [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

There are two dreams I remember from when I was a lot younger, like around 6-8 or so I think.
I think the first one was recurring. The only theme was a whale being inserted through my room window. I think we talked, but not much more.

In the other one, there's a man sitting next to the exit door. His sole purpose for coming here is to insert several spikes into my anus. I didn't get much chance to experience the rest, since I ran straight past him.

Author:  squinty_eyes [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

I had a recurring dream when I was 10 that my family (mom, dad and sister) was living in my friend's house, and that one summer day while we were picnicking on a picnic bench at the house, the bench would open up like a great mouth and swallow a family member whole. We'd panic and run inside while the house turned demonic and objects became demons and chased us. We'd end up in the attic where a mirror would be free standing, and the reflection of one of us would drag someone through the mirror and the mirror would turn blood red. The two of us left alive (myself and one other) would run out of the house, but just as I leave, the darkness grabs the last survivor and drags them back in. Once outside, I turn around and I'm standing on the lawn of my house (my actual house, not the dream house) and inside I can see a party of monsters hanging out and watching me as one screams from the front door that I'll always come home and they'll be waiting for me.


Author:  Shadowchu [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

Recntly had a dream that somebody left the door to my house open and my cat ran outside and I was trying to convince her to come back inside. It was very stressful.

Author:  Filobel [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

Yarium wrote:
Lol, I should do that too. I've never been able to use lucid dreaming to do much interesting though - the dream-realm tugs tight to keep me on course. Also, I'm lucid dreaming about being at the border or in an airport. Not a whole lot to do there. "Yay! I can dream about waiting for my plane with my luggage!" :-P

Well, you could always leave your luggage and fly on your own. No need for an airplane in dreams.

Author:  Yarium [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

Filobel wrote:
Well, you could always leave your luggage and fly on your own. No need for an airplane in dreams.

See, this is why I can be a dull person. I did this a lot in my dreams when I was younger, and even got to "telekinesis in my dreams" stage... and then I pretty much gave up trying to influence my dreams. I have more fun just watching them evolve naturally than trying to force things to happen. But I think I have an idea, instead of trying to fly, I'll try to find people to talk to.

Author:  YingLung [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

One of the earliest dreams I can remember was probably when I was 5.
I was walking down a massive pipe, only the walls are made of pinata paper. The pipe bulges ahead, and inside is a life-size pinata elephant. I turn to the side and see a kitchen sink. There is a marshmellow with a smiling face swirling down to the drain, saying "Goodbye!" over and over again.

Author:  tony3 [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

YingLung wrote:
One of the earliest dreams I can remember was probably when I was 5.
I was walking down a massive pipe, only the walls are made of pinata paper. The pipe bulges ahead, and inside is a life-size pinata elephant. I turn to the side and see a kitchen sink. There is a marshmellow with a smiling face swirling down to the drain, saying "Goodbye!" over and over again.


Author:  YingLung [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

I'm pretty sure I had watched the old willy wonka movie around that time.

Author:  rstnme [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

I'm reading Veronica Roth's Divergent series. Last night I dreamed the society specifically cut out certain factions, and that the most popular faction that had been cut was one devoted to crying. Weird and makes no sense, I know.

If anyone cares, the books aren't very good :-/

Author:  MagicPablo666 [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

The best dream I've ever had was one in which I was Cameron Poe (yes, Nicolas Cage's character in Con Air). We were in Con Air II, and it was real life sorta. I was myself, Poe, and Cage. The premise was that there was an otherworldly demon wizard traveling across the galaxy. It was headed straight for Earth and was planning on destroying us all. So, the Cons and Special Agent Vince Larkin (Cusack) and myself all had to put aside our differences to stop the unstoppable.

The most vivid seen was one in which myself, Diamond Dawg (Rhames?), Vince Larkin, and Cyrus the Virus are all sitting in this little shed looking over papers and maps or something. Vince is saying something like "There's no way. We should just give up." His head is cradled in his hands and his face is drained of color. Cyrus (Malkovich) has a much more optimistic attitude. He paces about the room saying "There has to be a way!"

There was no real ending, but it would've been even more amazing if there were one. And yes, I know that the premise doesn't make much sense when you consider the original. Maybe there was some resurrection or something. I dunno. Incongruity rules.

Author:  LilyStorm [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

My dreams come in three categories or a combination of one of the three:

1. Conpletly insane surrealist dreams with like no logic
2. Lucid dreams with superpowers or whatever. Usually get messed up by that "trying not to think about something makes you think about it" thing.
3. "Sexual dreams" not sex but just weird weirdness.

Anyone else here have all five senses in their dreams? Taste and smell are a little rarer for me but they happen. I always get touch though, which can suck in nightmares. Pretty traumatizing sometimes.

Author:  Yarium [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

I get all 5 senses, but obviously at limited capacity. It's the memory of a sensation rather than a real sensation.

Author:  LilyStorm [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

Yarium wrote:
I get all 5 senses, but obviously at limited capacity. It's the memory of a sensation rather than a real sensation.

The scary thing is I often have sensations I have never had before, and some that are physically impossible irl. I have a very powerful imagination.

Author:  Yarium [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

So smission? :P

Author:  LilyStorm [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamin'

Yarium wrote:
So smission? :P

English plz

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