I can't navigate the wiki well enough to be bothered. I keep trying every so often.....
The lore stuff just so outweighs everything else right now that the "all pages" page is swamped with it and everything else is lost in the mess, making it a total pain to find anything. And the only other thing prominently featured on the main page is squinty's sandbox as far as I can tell.
Would you be wiling to put more categories or somewhat better organization for the front page?
Firstly, the wiki was just launched publicly, while there were a few people working on some stuff behind the scenes prior to that launch, we still need some time for it to be out there and getting some infrastructure set up before we can really start setting up a good directory on the main page and what not.
Secondly, try thinking about thing this way:
The forums are like a tree, a trunk with many branches, you start at the bottom (the index) and you follow a single path down branches getting small and smaller. Forum - > Subforum -> Thread -> Page.
Wiki sites are not like that. Even with there being a 'main' page, wikis are a large number of assorted pages that are could be connected in sort of a web or could be completely independent. Traffic doesnt start at one point and follow a flow to another certain point. Traffic can enter the wiki through any page (from someones comment in a thread, someones signatures, a link through google, the link to the main page, etc )and depending whats on that page wander through any number of other pages.
Consider for a moment wikipedia. You want to know something thats on wikipedia, lets say, the date that the Golden Gate Bridge was finished. Do you go to Wikipedias home page and click a button that says 'Architecture' then go to a page with different sorts of architecture where you click a button that says 'Bridges' , then 'Bridges in the USA' , 'Bridges in California', 'Golden Gate Bridge' ? No. You go to wikipedia home page and type "Golden Gate Bridge" in the search bar and hit go and bam you're on the page. Now if the topic you type in is too vague, it'll display a list of pages that might be what you want.
But now lets think of how you navigate wikipedia. You're on the Golden Gate Bridge page, you see thats its in San Francisco Bay and you want to learn more so you click the link and go to that page, you're reading that page and read about a really cool prison called Alcatraz, so you click that link and go to that page. Now you see that when the Civil War broke out the island was armed with cannons and that sound cool so you click on the Civil War link and go to that page and read a really cool story about the Battle of Fort Sumter. You're no on the other side of the country, reading about a war instead of an orange bridge, having played the internet version of Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon more or less.
TDLR : The wiki isnt a 'mess' its a work in progress and will always be one as it grows and thrives. Navigation isnt as simple as the forums, but as time goes on more pages will link together and more webs of pages will grow making it easier to have solid links to 'areas' on the main page.