So, why isn't this just in the Duels area of the forums? Why is it way out in Albuquerque where it basically had to be announced to be found?
This started because of a tangent in a thread in the Off-topic forum. I had a PM-chat with DJ0045 and though the issue may be the biggest on the Duels forums, it is not solely on the Duels forums.
Also, Duels is simply a part of the greater whole that is NGA. So if something needs to be changed in terms of CoC, the Metaboard is the place for it because it affects the entire forum.
Oh, and welcome to the discussion, Gobo-Scarlet. The wiffle bats are by the door.
To add to you, part of the issue is the lack of Mods until very recently. I think "uneven Moderation" is the word of the day.
While I do not have the time to moderate Duels myself (Not that PbP is that busy, but I have other stuff
) I would not be opposed to more dedicated help in that area.
DragonXXX wrote:
The latter half of your post i found way too complicated to digest with my hungarian brain. Either simplify it, or maybe I'll get back to it in a few days. The only part I got was, I might wanna try reporting people. I'll consider it.
There's really not much to 'consider'.
Users have in the past been warned (and maybe banned) because they did not report a user, but tried moderating themselves by creating a semi-toxic environment.
This kind of stuff works three ways. The users making the posts, the user responding badly to the posts and the moderation team. And the way to get the 3rd player (us) involved is the report button.
GodOfAtheism wrote:
And I'm not being facetious here, but I think you're missing something I pointed out; don't intentionally be a dick. Although obviously you want to reword that to "don't intentionally cause trouble/start drama/provoke flame wars" or something along those lines. It isn't technically a rule (largely because it should be self-evident, if I were to wager a guess) but a lot of what has gone on in recent weeks has snuck in through that window.
Oh yes, this can definitely be a part of it. But I've seen the comment be used against legitimately new users as well. So you always have to be careful before concluding that someone is being like that.
I caught that as well. You guys do not have to worry about that.