Again, Ko, this part just isn't true:
So even though you're tryin ..., your past seven thousand warnings that never expire are still there so ... you have so many warnings that you're inevitably going to get banned
They roll of your record after some set time; they still show in the count you see on your profile, but they aren't counted when determined what ban - if any - a specific infraction earns.
So, example time. Let's say that after your second warning in a one month period, you get a day ban; your third in one month gets you a week; your fourth gets you permabanned.
So, October 1st you come along and flame John Doe, because you think he's really stupid. First warning. Your user profile shows one, our complete record shows one, our current record shows one.
October 5th, you once again flame John Doe, because he hasn't learned diddly in the past four days. Second warning, and a one day. Your user profile shows two, our complete record shows two, our current record shows two.
You go away on vacation. It's one of those European style vacations where you travel for three weeks. (Damn, I would love three straight weeks off.) Between getting ready for your trip and then catching up with everything once you get back, you actually don't make another post on the site until November 2nd. And sure enough, John Doe
still hasn't learned, so you give it to him again. Third warning. But... your user profile shows three, our complete record shows three, but our current record only shows two. Since this is only your 2nd warning in the last month, you get a day ban. That warning from October 1st has rolled off your current record, which is what we're using when looking at what happens.
You take your day ban like a man and come back. You manage to avoid John Doe most of the time, and the handful of times you see his posts, you're able to control your inner rage rather than letting it consume you. But finally, on November 10th you snap, and once again flame John Doe. And the mod gives you another warning. Your profile shows four, your complete record shows four, but your current record again only shows two. Day ban. Even though your profile and our complete record show four, we're using the current record to determine status.
There's a technical reason for this being in place as-is. As we've said for a while, we don't plan to delete anything - that's mostly so far been said about posts and threads, but it's also true for records. And if we tell the software that warnings expire after one month, it does two things: it resets the count on your profile page, and it deletes the record that the warning ever existed. Obviously, the example is simplified; I didn't want a drawn-out example. But the example works the same way as what we're doing, just with different numbers.